Per Module Oversampling


The name of this topic can be a bit misleading but there is no better way to name it. When you right click a module, there is an option called No Oversampling. What this does is make the module run at DAW sampling rate instead of SoloRack oversampling rate. For example, if your using 8X oversampling, the module will generate only 1 sample for every 8 samples (Other modules will still generate all 8 samples if No Oversampling is not checked for those modules).


This feature is only useful for modules that may not actually need oversampling. For example low frequency CV modules like LFOs or ADSRs. MIDI related modules may not need oversampling most of the time. Volt meters and signal analyzers. Using the No Oversampling option for those modules will surely reduce the CPU usage without any negative effect on aliasing.


You could experiment with using the No Oversampling option on audio related modules but most of the time (not always) you will get aliasing no matter how high the oversampling you use. It also depends on how you patch things together. Ofcourse, the final say should be your ears and a spectrum analyzer.